YOUNG PROFESSIONALS COMMITTEE & Student activities Committee

About the Committee

The Young Professionals Committee shall be composed of as many people who choose to participate. Membership in the committee is limited to those who are approximately 35 years old and younger. Membership is open to all categories of AWWA membership – water utilities, engineering consultants, manufacturer’s representatives, regulators, laboratories, universities, and operators or anyone involved in the water industry.

Duties of the Young Professionals & Student Activities Committee include:

  • Promote the benefit of involvement of AWWA and the Iowa Section
  • Encourage younger members to actively participate in the Section
  • Increase student membership and participation in the Iowa Section
  • Promote student membership at the annual conference
  • Host young professionals social events at the Section's Annual Conference
  • Provide opportunities for younger members to interact with veteran members and board members
  • Assist other AWWA committees as needed

A young professional is defined as anyone 35 years of age or younger who is either working in the drinking water industry or is a student in the field.

Committee News and Events

FRESHwater Program

In July 2023, the first FRESHwater summer program for high school students was held at Iowa State University. This program was sponsored by the Iowa Section of AWWA and the Iowa Water Environment Association and organized by member Adib Amini. The FRESHwater program is intended to educate young people about the opportunities in the water field and encourage them to pursue careers in water. 

See what activities the students participated in and the various aspects of the water field they experienced in the linked video below. 



Contact Us

Adib Amini
P: 618-313-7700
E: [email protected]